Dispute Resolution
Mediation is a process involving a trained third-party (mediator), who guides participants through a point discussion and decision-making to resolve the dispute.
Role of Mediators
Mediators seek to assist parties in understanding one another and in reaching agreements.
They will help the parties identify the issues and interests in need of resolution and encourage the parties to brainstorm solutions.
Upon both parties resolution, an official Mediation Settlement Agreement is provided.
Mediators Do ‘Not’
- Make decisions for you and/or the other person about how your dispute will be resolved.
- Determine who is “right” or “wrong.” There is no value in trying to persuade the mediator of the "merits of your case"
- Provide legal counsel.
Mediation Services
Discovery Session
New Clients can schedule a discovery session to see what Mediation entails via Video Call (30 minutes).
*Partners who come jointly for coaching will be given a mediation included in coaching session.
Mediation Sessions - Online
Mediation allows for client specific situations to be facilitated to a mutual resolution. We review the details of your disagreement and navigate a mediated service agreement.
Prepare for Discovery with Attorney / Legal Advisor, to finalize items for resolution and/or entire resolution.
90 minutes / 1.5 hours each session via Video Call - based on your timeframe to directly work with coach *includes group sessions per package.
1 Session (Up to 5 hours) - Basic Dispute Resolution
2 or More Sessions (Up to 5 hours Each Day) - High Conflict / High Asset Negotiations
Corporate Mediation Session Package / Subscription - Online
Corporate Mediation Session Packages allow a business to have an established relationship with approved processes and confidentiality agreements prepared.
Businesses can determine the number of mediation sessions per month / per year with the ability to schedule per department and/or per employee.
Human Resource Internal Disputes
Management / Employee Dispute Resolutions
Onboarding Offer / Benefit Agreements
Exiting / Termination Offer Agreements
Corporate Mediation Packages can be offered as an Employee Assistance Program (EAP).
*All clients will acknowledge and sign a confidentiality form with a non-disclosure agreement, respectfully.
- Mediation Services include an irrevocable Mediation Settlement Agreement.
Mediation Pricing
Research Services
Discovery - First Individual Session to Understand Research Services - NO CHARGE
Deep Dive Investigation - Minimum 4 hours at $50 per hour - $200 +
*Confidentiality Agreement Required
Mediation - Online
Discovery - Consult Session to Understand Mediation Services - NO CHARGE
Practice Mediation - 2 hours - $200
*Trial Period to see how parties may come to an agreement before committing to full session.
1 session (up to 4 hours mediation + 1 hour coaching each party) - $1,200 ($600 each party)
*If additional time is needed as agreed by both parties, $600 per 4 hour half-day blocks ($300 per party) can be scheduled.
All Sessions Upon Parties Resolution Include
- Coaching Individual Session for Preparation to Mediate
- Mediation Settlement Agreement
Option for Paralegal Submission to Court Records - $ Available Upon Request
*Contact me directly for adjusted rates based on your financial situation.
Corporate Mediation Subscriptions
Companies can subscribe to have a mediator available to resolve disagreements within their organization or external disputes.
Custom Corporate Pricing Proposal Available Upon Request
Services are confidential, except in the rare areas where disclosure is required by law, generally when there is a safety concern.